This note is a part of my Zettelkasten. What is below might not be complete or accurate. It is also likely to change often.
17th July, 2020

Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise is a corporation which exists with the primary purpose of bringing positive social change. The generation of profits can be a secondary purpose.

A social enterprise usually has both business goals and impact goals. It should be selling a goods or service into the marketplace to create revenue and create impact by either:

  1. Creating unique innovations which create impact
    • Ex: MMT's Millet Machines
  2. Employing Underserved Communities
    • Ex: Mitti Cafe
  3. Reinvesting profits
    • Ex: Patagonia

The eventual goal of a Social Enterprise maybe to :

  • Scale up, impacting lots of people positively.
  • Sustain and create continued impact
  • Prove a model and allow others to Replicate

Thoughts about social enterprises: