This note is a part of my Zettelkasten. What is below might not be complete or accurate. It is also likely to change often.
11th March, 2021

Social Action Theory

According to the Action theory, the most important determinant for an Individual's behaviour is how they percieve their environment and the behaviour of others towards them.

Action theorists emphasize the importance of the individuals' ability to interpret and make sense of their situation and environment and choose to act accordingly. They posit that the society is not a separate entity outside the individual but are part of Our collective, imagined reality. The action an individual takes in light of what they interpret the behaviour of others to mean is what is called Social Action.

Societies are made up of individual engaging in a countless number of meaningful encounters. The result is social order - which is not deterministic. Social Order is an outcome of innumerable occasions of interaction, each one accomplished by interpreting, meaning attributing actors who act independently.


An action theorist would propose that socialization effects each individual differently and there is no uniformity in it.