This note is a part of my Zettelkasten. What is below might not be complete or accurate. It
is also likely to change often.
20th August, 2020
Organic Farming
Organic Farming is a the practice of farming while employing a set of principles trying to emulate pre-industrial sustainable farming and adapting some of the advances in farming and sciences since then.
Some principles of organic farming include:
- Using local varieties which may be more resilient than hybrid varieties
- Start using crop rotation
- Multi-cropping
- Good against pest attack (pests attack specific crops and dont generally attack all)
- Challenges
- Lower yield during transition period from organic to un-organic
- Even after transition, the yields are generally lower
- Markets are not availlable which value organic produce higher
- Organic fertilizers are not subsidized
- Farmers reduced the amount of cattle they keep in the past 50 years. This has reduced availability of organic fertilizers
- Commercially produced organic fertilizers is not a solution to the problem of fragility
For organic farming to become relevant in large-scale agriculture, reform is needed in:
- Market structures
- Government Policies
- Livestock Rearing
- Pastoral Systems
- Social Norms
- Food and buying choices